Thursday, January 24, 2008

Everyone is equal in the taiko crew

[Karen writes]

What is more fun?...
Haphazardly playing taiko with 50 other people, in an incredibly low-tech environment, trusting each will do their part and the result will be fantastic...
Being part of a massive high-tech theatrical extravaganza with 50 performing professionals, trusting each will do...

Guess it's not so different, really, as long as you're comfortable in either one. Rome has captured the thrill of All AZ Taiko better in words (below) than I did in pictures. I guess once we began playing, I forgot to take pictures.

However, I have a few here from our recent Triangle Y UA Blue Chip Leadership Camp, and our team building event with Stone Arch Creatives client, Gyrus Medical. I really can't say whether it was more fun to train 14 corporate sales execs to perform a taiko song, or conduct 85 college juniors and seniors in a free-for-all ice-breaking session....

The pictures at the right are 1) Corporate execs learning taiko 2) taiko players playing taiko 3) college students watching taiko 4) college playing taiko.

I guess you'll have to look and judge.

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